[求助] cydia更新的問題?? - iPhone4.TW


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  1. #1


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    我的IPHONE是2G之前有JB 3.1.3 用cydia要下載軟體時,出現了一個方塊

    Cannot Locate Package
    The package backgrounde(我要的軟體) cannot be found in your current sources,I might recommend installing more sources.This issue may also caused by a number of other factors,The nost common one is that your package catalog is out of date. To manually refresh,click the Refresh button on the Changes tab.
    This package may simply no longer exist,It is also possible you are using an old firware verison : users should attenpt to remain reasonbly up to date with
    Apple's firmware releases.

    然後我照上面說的做之後,在Changes的右上角又出現Upgrade(3)APT 0.7 (apt-key)
    APT 0.7 Strict(lib) Cydia Community Sources , 接著他就開死下在上述三個,但是又出現一個方塊http://apt.saurik.com POSIX:Pperation timed out...接著自動Reloading Data 又出現 Essential Upgrade One or more essential packages are currently out of date . If these upgrades are not performed you are likely to encounter reeors. 還有三個選項1.Upgrade Essential 2. Complete Upgrade 3.Ignore(Temporary) 而且在Manage右上角也出現了Queue 要我Upgrade APT 0.7 Strict(lib)到一半又出現一樣的東西...

    有點多...麻煩大大們幫我解答...By the way 我還是新手可以簡單一點最好...不好意思麻煩了

  2. #2


    謝謝你: 0
    在 0篇文章中獲得 0個感謝
    引用 作者: HYUANH 查看文章
    我的IPHONE是2G之前有JB 3.1.3 用cydia要下載軟體時,出現了一個方塊

    Cannot Locate Package
    The package backgrounde(我要的軟體) cannot be found in your current sources,I might recommend installing more sources.This issue may also caused by a number of other factors,The nost common one is that your package catalog is out of date. To manually refresh,click the Refresh button on the Changes tab.
    This package may simply no longer exist,It is also possible you are using an old firware verison : users should attenpt to remain reasonbly up to date with
    Apple's firmware releases.

    然後我照上面說的做之後,在Changes的右上角又出現Upgrade(3)APT 0.7 (apt-key)
    APT 0.7 Strict(lib) Cydia Community Sources , 接著他就開死下在上述三個,但是又出現一個方塊http://apt.saurik.com POSIX:Pperation timed out...接著自動Reloading Data 又出現 Essential Upgrade One or more essential packages are currently out of date . If these upgrades are not performed you are likely to encounter reeors. 還有三個選項1.Upgrade Essential 2. Complete Upgrade 3.Ignore(Temporary) 而且在Manage右上角也出現了Queue 要我Upgrade APT 0.7 Strict(lib)到一半又出現一樣的東西...

    有點多...麻煩大大們幫我解答...By the way 我還是新手可以簡單一點最好...不好意思麻煩了




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