[待確認] 明年可能會有超薄的15" Macbook Air囉~ - iPhone4.TW


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    明年Macbook Air可能會推出15"的版本

    喜歡大螢幕又嫌目前Macbook Pro太重的人可要多注意追蹤囉~


    Macotakara follows up our July report of work on an ultra-thin 15" Mac Notebook with news that this new thin 15" model is getting closer:
    according to asian source, Apple seems already to have finished to develop MacBook Air 15" LCD test component to add its line-up and to go product develpment of it.
    Macotakara is calling the new notebook a 15" MacBook Air, but we aren't entirely sure that would be the name.

    Current MacBook Air

    Back in April, we had heard reliable confirmation that the 2012 revision of the MacBook Pro would carry a new case design. iLounge had described it as a "milestone" release. Later, in July, we heard that Apple was already finishing up work on this ultra-thin 15" Mac Notebook.

    At this point, it seems clear that Apple's next MacBook Pro revision will carry this new design, which many believe will take cues from the current MacBook Air designs. What's not clear is how Apple will integrate the new models with the current MacBook Air models. The MacBook Air and MacBook Pro lines seem destined to converge over time. In fact, Intel believes that Air-like "ultrabook" designs could make up to 40% of the consumer laptop market by the end of 2012. Apple just updated their MacBook Pro line with faster processors, which places their next revision sometime in the first half of 2012.




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