請問各位前輩 , 我的 Iphone 3G 韌體是2.2 而主畫面也有Cydia的圖示 , 點進去後顯示 :

Who are you ?

not all of the packages available via cydia are designed to be used by all users. please categorize yourself so that cydia can apply helpful filters.
this chose can be changed from "settings" under the "manage" tab.

user(Graphical Only)
Hacker(+Command Line)
Developer(No Filters)

但是吳閏我點哪一個選項都會直接跳出來主畫面 , 請問是什麼問題呢 ?
可以請各位前輩提供指導或相關連結嗎 ? 謝謝