Shut Up 1.0

Category: Entertainment
Price: $0.99 (iTunes)


This app tells you to shut up. Presented in wonderful wiggle vision.

It's triggered by sound, so when you talk, it tells you and your friends to "Shut Up!".. You can set it up as a joke for friends by plugging it into external speakers and scaring them when they start talking.

It has about 50 different recordings that it randomly picks from so you never know what's coming next.

You can configure what triggers it as well. By default, sound and tapping the screen triggers a good shout, but you can disable either. Sometimes you might want to turn off sound triggering so you can trigger a "Shut Up" exactly when you need it!

You can also adjust the sound sensitivity so it can trigger on a peep or a shout.


1. Make sure the volume is all the way up!
2. Plug it in to a stereo and really freak people out!
3. If it won't shut up, then adjust the sensitivity..
4. Shut Up!

Thanks to Ted Shumaker, the voice of Shut Up..

Shut Up
