Assassin 1.0

Category: Games
Price: Free (iTunes)


Assassin is a camera-based game that takes place in real time against the backdrop of your everyday life. Create a game and invite friends from your neighborhood or city.

Every player in the game assumes a dual role: At all times, you are both an assassin and a target. As an assassin, you are always assigned one target. Your job is to eliminate as many targets as possible in a sequential fashion.

As a target, you will be hunted by a single assassin -- in most cases, someone different than your target. Your job is to avoid elimination by that assassin. You will be given no information as to the identity or location of who is hunting you.

1. Eliminate your target(s).
2. Avoid being eliminated by another assassin.

Once the game begins, it runs nonstop, 24/7, until there's only one assassin standing. You're not just playing Assassin -- you are living it.

Assassins use photos (i.e., camera, iPhone) as the only method of elimination. A successful elimination occurs when you are able to "shoot" your target and send the photo to be approved. Once you have made the elimination, you inherit that player's current target, while your assassin continues to hunt you.
