瀏覽完整版本 : [降價]:Price Drop: 3 Degrees of Wikipedia (Games)

12-04-2010, 03:50
http://images.appshopper.com/icons/399/851926.png 3 Degrees of Wikipedia 1.0

Category: Games
Price: $1.99 -> $.99, Version: 1.0 (iTunes (http://appshopper.com/link/3-degrees-of-wikipedia))

http://a1.phobos.apple.com/us/r1000/019/Purple/e5/1e/c3/mzl.hkigwzju.320x480-75.jpg Description:

#1 Trivia & Educational Game in Canada, #5 in USWhat happened to the hundreds of Wikipedia articles you have read? "I forgot about them", you answered. Here is a game to help you remember those forgotten articles, and it will stimulate your brain like nothing else.The idea is very simple: in each puzzle, you will be given two Wikipedia pages, and your goal is to navigate from one to the other, using only the available web links. For example, starting at the "Halloween" page, can you find your way to the "Candy" page? "That's easy. I would look for the "Trick-or-treating" article, which must have a link to the "Candy" page, you answered.Good thinking. How about from "Rene Descartes" to "Computer Graphics"? (Answer: Cartesian Coordinate System). Or, from the eccentric philosopher "Ludwig Wittgenstein" to the Romanticism artist Klimt? (Answer: Klmit painted the wedding portrait for Wittgenstein's sister). How about from Tupac to Jennifer Lopez? (Answer: they are both ex-backup dancers).Connections like those will put the articles into context, making them more meaningful and memorable. You will be surprised how effortlessly you will learn through solving puzzles like these."But where are these puzzles come from?" you asked.They are created by you! You create and submit puzzles (within the app) to educate other players. And they will vote on how enlightening your problems are. It's like a whole community of knowledge hungry people!So go ahead and download this app, and have fun learning my friend!======================================+ Solve a problem by connecting two Wikipedia page through their links, in 3 degrees total+ Social gaming: submit a problem to challenge other players, and earn "LIGHT-BULB" points if your problems are well-received+ Excerpted Wikipedia articles for quicker gameplay.+ Review your completed or favorite problems to reinforce the learning+ Just learn something new? Create a problem for it. You will remember it for the rest of your life.+ "Most Enlightening Problems of the Week"+ Connect to your Facebook & Twitter account, share your problems, and challenge your friends.+ Badges, badges, and badges!+ Made for Retina Display

3 Degrees of Wikipedia (http://appshopper.com/games/3-degrees-of-wikipedia)

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