瀏覽完整版本 : [求助] 被鎖機

Hyde Lam
07-12-2008, 02:57
用開1.1.4, 不小心自動更新被鎖機, 如何補是好?  Help!

07-12-2008, 07:19
看不懂你的文意,你是升級到 1.1.4 被鎖機嗎?還是升級到 2.0?
如果是 1.1.4 那好辨,照吉米大教學來破解就好了(請自行搜尋版上文章),
如果是 2.0,目前是有方法降回 1.1.4 再破,但問題多多,我看你稍等一下,下週就會有 2.0 的破解工具出現了。

07-12-2008, 09:14
用開1.1.4, 不小心自動更新被鎖機, 如何補是好?  Help!

底下是完整 downgrade 2.0 to 1.1.4 步驟, 但若你真能忍耐, 建議你還是等 2.0 破解工具出來再處理目前這隻手機吧.

1) The first problem in your downgrade is that you probably are getting error 20 in restore mode and error 160x in DFU mode. This is due to iTunes 7.7. So, you now you need to uninstall iTunes 7.7 and install iTunes 7.5. Make sure after your iTunes 7.7 uninstall you reboot your pc as it requests you to. **OSX users, see note at bottom of page to downgrade your iTunes.

首先你要先 downgrade iTune 到 7.5 版本

2) Now that you have iTunes 7.5, you will still have the DFU driver for 7.7. This is good and will allow the process to work. Put your phone into DFU mode using the DFU steps (http://iphone.sleepers.net/blog/?page_id=13).

iphone 進入 DFU mode.

3) Restore using iTunes 7.5. You will get an error like 1011, 1013, 1015. This is normal and expected. An error 1601, 1602, 1600 or anything else is not ok.

進行 restore, 如果看到錯誤代碼 1011,1013,1015 都 OK 不要擔心.

4) Once you get error above, leave iTunes open and kick your phone out of restore mode. I recommend just loading winpwn (http://theiphoneproject.org/index.php/downloads?func=startdown&id=5)(PC) or pwnage (http://theiphoneproject.org/index.php/downloads?func=startdown&id=1)(MAC) and pwning the device at this point. If pwnage fails to work, you need to restore your phone again. You should be able to use normal restore mode, however. Other ways to kick out of restore mode may be ibrickr (http://www.iphone-hacks.com/download.php?id=37), jailbreak 1.1.2 (http://conceitedsoftware.com/iphone/1.1.2-jailbreak.zip) (boot phone), iLiberty+ (http://theiphoneproject.org/index.php/downloads?func=startdown&id=6).

iPhone 離開 DFU mode, 然後 iTune 保持開的, 此時建議用 winpwn(PC)/pwnage(MAC), 假如 pwnage 無法正常使用, 你必須重覆步驟 2/3

5) Once completed, you have a pwned device with baseband 4.05.04_G from firmware v2.0.

步驟完成, 但此時 baseband 會是 4.05.04_G(v2.0 firmware版本的BB)

6) To get back to 04.04.05_G (1.1.4 baseband) load bootneuter. If you don’t have this, install it from installer. Run bootneuter with Neuter, 4.6, and unlock. When it’s done, you will have an unlocked 04.04.05_G right back where you started.

接下來再安裝 bootneuter 降 BB 到 04.04.05_G(1.1.4 BB)

底下都是 MAC OSX 的步驟.
If you are on OSX and want to attempt to downgrade your iTunes, you can try these steps:
Load up Terminal and type the following:
killall iTunesHelper
rm -r /Applications/iTunes.app
rm -r /Library/Receipts/iTunesX.pkg
rm ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.iTunes*
rm -r /Applications/iTunes.app
rm -r /Library/Receipts/iTunesX.pkg
rm ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.iTunes*


07-12-2008, 11:26
被鎖機的朋友不妨先試試看 activation

Generate legit activation tokens! Genuine activation! (合法產品啟動)

This will probably be patched at some point. This works because at the moment, the activation server gets confused with 2G and 3G iPhones and as a result... Activates 2G ones for us without a contract http://www.hackint0sh.org/forum/images/smilies/wink.gif

意思就是目前 activation server 似乎有點問題導致無法分辨 2G/3G, 因此你可以不用簽署任何合約就可以啟動iphone

To take advantage of this: Simply update to 2.0 and try and go through the reg process. It will not ask for anything to do with tariffs. It will ask you to accept so T&C's and for your Apple ID. Your phone will also say activating twice and then stop.

When updating, make sure you have a SIM card from your official carrier in it.

注意唷! 一定要置入當時購買 iphone 時所附送的 sim card.

Tell me what you think! Tested on about 4 iPhones. My iPhone now restores to any firmware and does not ask for ANY activation http://www.hackint0sh.org/forum/images/smilies/smile.gif It does it by itself officially.


Hyde Lam
07-12-2008, 12:57