瀏覽完整版本 : [求助] 小雨傘備份

04-01-2011, 23:29
各位大大 我想請問一下 小雨傘出現這個訊息是有備份成功了嗎?

04/01/2011 23:25:59.828 You have saved your iPhone4 4.2.1 (8C148) SHSH locally and the request was sent to CYDIA. This means that CYDIA DOES have your SHSH. Do NOT bug semaphore about the Cydia home page showing this version. 04/01/2011 23:25:59.968 Finished saving SHSHs for [hsuan 的 iPhone] 04/01/2011 23:26:00.484 Caching shsh files... 04/01/2011 23:26:00.500 Found [4] shsh files to cache... 04/01/2011 23:26:00.546 Cached [4] shsh files