瀏覽完整版本 : [求助] 回復iPhone誤刪的照片的問題,目前卡在SSH連線問題(有許多我搜尋到的方式,歡迎有同樣問題的版友一起討論)

07-08-2011, 21:26
回到家後,我馬上把iPhone用相片回復軟體掃描,但不管是Mac還是Win的回覆軟體都辨識不到iPhone....(iPhone不像一般的USB device一樣....)
iPhone 4 (4.3.1) Jailbroken + Mac OS X + Win 7 + Win XP
像是用Cydia裝一個叫USB drive的軟體,但他只能另外新建一個磁區,無法直接讀DCIM的資料夾 (不要啊)
dd if=/dev/disk0 | ssh <username>*<computer-ip> 'dd of=iphone-dump.img'
後 iPhone回我:dd: dev/disk0= Permission Denied(jolin)
拜託阿 各位高手 那些照片真的非常重要

08-20-2011, 19:58

the free loop
12-03-2011, 03:41

12-18-2011, 23:42
我半JB IPHONE 4 IOS 5.0.1後,裝上了OPENSSH,
也可以從電腦 SSH 連上 IPHONE,
但郤不懂怎樣在電腦架設 SSH SERVER,
我有MAC (LION)及 PC(WIN 7),

查了一下, dd if=/dev/disk0 | ssh <username>*<computer-ip> 'dd of=iphone-dump.img'
應該是以 IPHONE 當 LOCAL ,將 /dev/disk0 備份到遠端(電腦),並製作成 img 檔案,

我就想,是不是可以反過來,以電腦當LOCAL,直接將遠端(IPHONE)的 /dev/disk0 備份回來並製成 img檔案,
於是將指令改為ssh root*192.168.X.XXX 'dd if=/dev/disk0' | dd of=iphone-dump.img

root*192.168.X.XXX's password:
dd: reading `/dev/disk0': Invalid argument
0+0 records in
0+0 records out
0 bytes (0 B) copied, 0.000719 s, 0.0 kB/s
0+0 records in
0+0 records out
0 bytes transferred in 2.805668 secs (0 bytes/sec)

它會叫我輸入密碼,而且會產生 iphone-dump.img, 但該檔的容量為0。亦即是失敗!!


02-13-2012, 11:08
我半JB IPHONE 4 IOS 5.0.1後,裝上了OPENSSH,
也可以從電腦 SSH 連上 IPHONE,
但郤不懂怎樣在電腦架設 SSH SERVER,
我有MAC (LION)及 PC(WIN 7),

查了一下, dd if=/dev/disk0 | ssh <username>*<computer-ip> 'dd of=iphone-dump.img'
應該是以 IPHONE 當 LOCAL ,將 /dev/disk0 備份到遠端(電腦),並製作成 img 檔案,

我就想,是不是可以反過來,以電腦當LOCAL,直接將遠端(IPHONE)的 /dev/disk0 備份回來並製成 img檔案,
於是將指令改為ssh root*192.168.X.XXX 'dd if=/dev/disk0' | dd of=iphone-dump.img

root*192.168.X.XXX's password:
dd: reading `/dev/disk0': Invalid argument
0+0 records in
0+0 records out
0 bytes (0 B) copied, 0.000719 s, 0.0 kB/s
0+0 records in
0+0 records out
0 bytes transferred in 2.805668 secs (0 bytes/sec)

它會叫我輸入密碼,而且會產生 iphone-dump.img, 但該檔的容量為0。亦即是失敗!!


In past few days, I had tried to dump the img from my iPhone by following the steps on http://modmyi.com/forums/file-mods/237321-how-iphone-data-recovery.html

And, here is the result sharing with you guys:

Step1. JB iPhone4 (this is the first time to JB, due to I have to save my pictures on my iPhone4)
Step2. Install BSD Subsystem on my iPhone4 (check from Internet, the software(JB) has automatically installed for me)
Step3. Install OpenSSH on my iPhone4
Step4. Install Terminal on my iPhone4
PS. The first software that I installed has problem(when I open it, the session will auto-closed soon), so I installed another one for iPhone4, then pass.
Step5. Install the MoBaSSH server on my PC (WinXP-SP3)
Step6. Start a session "Terminal" from my iPhone4, then try to connect from my iPhone4 to my PC. Make sure this step is passed. Then, quit the session back to iPhone4.
Step7. From terminal on iPhone4, change to superuser by keyin "su" then input the su's password: "alpine".
Step8. Then, key in one command based on this format

dd if=/dev/rdisk0s2s1 bs=1M | ssh <username>*<computer-ip> 'dd of=iPhone4-1M.img'
Step9. Check the PC, you could find one new file has start to store on your PC.

1. The 'DD' utility installed on your computer (this should be pre-installed on most Linux systems)
Base on original document, we have to do this, but I did not configure/install something for this.
2. I create my own WiFi environment which the following 3 IPs are in the same LAN:
iPhone's IP address
PC's IP address
WiFi AP's IP address
3. For SSH session, create one user account with the password on PC if you don't have it.
4. Please disable the firewall or add one rule to pass SSH session on your PC before start to dump the image.
5. In Step8, I also try another command to dump, and it also succeeded.

dd if=/dev/rdisk0s2s1 bs=4096KB | ssh <username>*<computer-ip> 'dd of=iPhone4-4096KB.img'

I have succeed dump one image to my PC.
Unfortunately, I could not decrypt this image file by software "PhotoRec".
Does anybody know how to do this?

Wish this could help you guys and carry on.