瀏覽完整版本 : taozhong 報告的文章

09-25-2008, 08:45
taozhong (https://iphone4.tw/forums/member.php?u=4832) 報告了一個文章。

普通的笑話 + 廣告連結... :)
文章: Power Support三件齊發!(霧面貼 白色AJ 透明矽膠套) (https://iphone4.tw/forums/showthread.php?p=69493#post69493)
版面: G.敗家情報區
負責版主: 無

文章作者: rjrenjian (https://iphone4.tw/forums/member.php?u=10752)
Jack is a Vietnamese. One day, he sold a piece of replica rolex (http://www.dulex4less.com/)to an American, John.After John received the watch, he found it didn't work and he immediately wrote an Email to Jack, which read "Hi, there. I have received the replica watches (http://www.dulex4less.com/). You said it is perfect in quality, but it didn't work here. Why?"Jack replied soon "Dear John, I am so sorry to hear that. Also please be patient , because of time difference,It's at night in Vietnam now, the watch is sleeping ."