瀏覽完整版本 : uDummy (entertainment)

02-07-2009, 12:50
http://images.appshopper.com/icons/303/465293.pnguDummy 1.0

Category: Entertainment
Price: $0.99 (iTunes (http://appshopper.com/link/udummy))


What if you could make your girlfriend, your boss, or even your dog say anything you want? With uDummy you can. It's easy and fun:

1. Select a picture on your iPod Touch* or iPhone, or use your iPhone's camera to snap a new one.

2. Resize and reposition the picture in the onscreen frame.

3. Resize and reposition uDummy's "mouthbox" over your subject's mouth (or anywhere else).

4. Press "Live Talk" to start recording… watch your subject's mouth move in real time to your voice!

5. Press Replay and your subject repeats your words, as often as you like.

uDummy works with any graphic image or photo--including those of politicians, celebrities, and other lower organisms. With uDummy, the world is your puppet, and YOU are the puppet master.

* 2nd-generation iPod touch with microphone attachment
uDummy (http://appshopper.com/entertainment/udummy)

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