瀏覽完整版本 : iTzolkin (education)

07-24-2009, 07:40
http://images.appshopper.com/icons/323/477876.pngiTzolkin 1.0

Category: Education
Price: $0.99 (iTunes (http://appshopper.com/link/itzolkin))


The Mayan/Olmec calendar is one of the most accurate calendar systems ever conceived by humans, still unmatched by the calendars in today's use. iTzolkin is a simple application, which allows to convert dates between Gregorian, Julian, Hebrew and this intriguing Mayan calendar.

iTzolkin offers the following features:

- The main view shows the current, or chosen, date in the Gregorian, Julian, Hebrew and Mayan calendar. The Mayan calendar date contains the three main calendar counts (the Tzolk'in, the Haab' and the Long Count) in textual form as well as in glyphic form used in Mayan codices and on stelae.

- A flipview presents the Lord of the Underworld (Lunar Supplementary Series G) for the chosen day as well as a short version of the Katun Prophecy according to Chilam Balam.

- Dates can be freely selected in the Date Selector, and converted between the Gregorian, Julian, Hebrew and Mayan calendar.

-A live-countdown to the beginning of the 13th Katun (December 21, 2012) is presented at the top of the main view.

The main view of iTzolkin is configurable, and three different Mayan glyph sets can be chosen from.
iTzolkin (http://appshopper.com/education/itzolkin)

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