瀏覽完整版本 : [求助] need help for my 2g unkown version iphone

12-01-2009, 02:03
my aunt just me a iphone for a gift ~ the only one thing i know is , it is 2G other than that i don't know what firmware it is using .... and it is a US locked version...(印堂發黑)

so when i don't know all those think, can i still be able to go JB and unlock it ?

thank alot

12-01-2009, 02:55
Of course , you can jb ur phone without doubt..
You can search online and decide which way to jb..
Good luck

12-01-2009, 09:16
if it's a 2G iPhone, it doesn't matter what version it's on. You *need* to JB first to install the software unlock.

Suggestion: check out the tutorials in this forum. ;)