[影音娛樂] The Best Radio App: WunderRadio - iPhone4.TW


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    This is the best so far and you don't need to worry about the radio station url because the app will find it for you with your iPhone Location GPS. I can listen to Macau radio station and all HK radio station and you can also listen to most of the radio stations around the world (Taiwan too). Thanks for $5.99US

    If anyone like to listen old english songs, you must check out KOST 103.5 . This is the best radio station in LA. You can only listen to this radio station with USA ip address but god... I can listen this radio station again out of USA and that's why $5.99US is worth for me.
    此篇文章於 10-08-2008 18:41 被 Alaric 編輯。




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