[消息] Installer 4.0 for BigBear in a week or two. - iPhone4.TW


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  1. #1
    zzz99 的頭像


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    Installer 4.0 and Kate for 2.0 Status
    iPhoneFreakz newsAdd comments
    Our friends from RiP-Dev updated their blog with some answers why Installer hasn’t been launched with pwnagetool 2.0 and how the porting of Kate is going on. Hit the read more link for the details.

    As you surely know by now, Pwnage Tool 2.0 is out. And for now, it has no Installer 4.0 in it.

    This is because we have decided to not release an undertested product into the wild - we don’t want any mess on the phone this time. So Installer 4.0 will come out soon… as soon as we’re confident it functions properly, we will release it - and trust us, we are not going to delay it for a long time.

    Meanwhile, all of the popular tools that can’t get to App Store for various reasons will have to be redone for firmware 2.0 - mostly because the inner workings of the system (in large, the way user interface works) have changed a lot since 1.1.x, so it will take some time for the authors to update and test their stuff. We expect the Installer to be ready by the time there’s something to offer you.

    A lyrical off-topic. Why Big Bear in the post title and what the heck has it to do with the rest? The answer is simple - every iPhone OS release has it’s own codename (the name of the volume on the disk image file containing firmware files). 1.1.4 used to be LittleBear, and 2.0, you guessed it, is BigBear.

    Now what about Kate? It is 90% ported to 2.0 as of now and we are finishing the remaining work and then testing it - so expect it to be out for Installer 4.0 in a week or two. Of course, you will not have to purchase it again if you already did (and if you have changed your iPhone to 3G model, email our sales department and they will arrange the license transfer for you).

    Thanks for your patience and support!




    The Rip-Dev team released another update on their blog. This time with some screenshots. I must say that the new installer 4 is getting really nice. It features a view much like the App Store. Hit the read more link to see some screenshots.

    Official blog info:
    Hi folks! Many of you are wondering what’s up with Installer 4. No, we haven’t slowed down the work on it, and are currently in the final stages of hooking the GUI to the back-end. We will be contacting the authors of the major repositories in a few days to invite them into the testing process and to prepare for the upcoming repository changes.
    Meanwhile, here’s a few actual screenshots so you can check out how the new Installer 4 will look like:

    I can't wait...
    此篇文章於 07-25-2008 06:31 被 zzz99 編輯。

  2. #2


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    反正機子都升到2.0了 ,用起來也滿順手(可能我要求較低), app store 內的軟體也不錯玩~


  3. #3
    zzz99 的頭像


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    The safari crash very often when I have BT earpiece connected in my case.

    The VNC from AppStore crash very often too. So I don't see it can replace Installer. Ofc we want the best from both worlds.

  4. #4
    zzz99 的頭像


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    7/24 update. More pretty, more like AppStore.

  5. #5


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    雖然 installer 出了4.0 我想內測也有一段時間了

    接下來還是公開測試的時間~ 希望能順利 呵呵~ 不過說到 iPhone 2.0 有慢了不少

    photo 照片縮圖會有顯示不出來的狀況




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