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[消息] Marketplace採訪Foxconn深圳龍華iPad生產線與工廠環境的採訪影片 - iPhone4.TW


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    kouko.d 的頭像

     白蘋果急救室

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    在ABC News的記者Bill Weir的採訪紀錄片「iFactory」之後,Marketplace上海局的Rob Schmitz似乎是第二個被允許在Foxconn工廠的Apple生產線中採訪並攝影的記者。以下這段採訪影片拍攝了Foxconn深圳龍華工廠內部的情形,包含iPad的生產線流程,以及Foxconn工廠內的生活環境等等。

    The first misconception I had about Foxconn’s Longhua facility in the city of Shenzhen was that I’ve always called it a ‘factory’ — technically, it is. But after you enter the gates and walk around, you quickly realize that it’s also a city — 240,000 people work here. Nearly 50,000 of them live on campus in shared dorm rooms.
    There’s a main drag lined on both sides with fast-food restaurants, banks, cafes, grocery stores, a wedding photo shop, and an automated library. There are basketball courts, tennis courts, a gym, two enormous swimming pools, and a bright green astroturf soccer stadium smack-dab in the middle of campus. There’s a radio station — Voice of Foxconn — and a television news station. Longhua even has its own fire department, located right on main street.
    This is not what comes to mind when you think “Chinese factory.”
    在園區內的主幹道兩旁,有速食餐廳、銀行、咖啡廳、雜貨店、一間婚紗攝影店,以及自動化的圖書館。園區內還有籃球場、網球場、健身房、兩個巨大的游泳池、以及在園區中央的亮綠色人工草皮足球場。還有一個廣播電台──富士康之聲(Vioce of Foxconn),以及一個電視新聞台。龍華甚至在主幹道上,有自己的消防隊。
    via VIDEO/ Watch an iPad get made from the Foxconn factory floor | Marketplace from American Public Medi and Reporter's Notebook/ From both sides of the gates of Foxconn | Marketplace from American Public Medi

  2. #2
    吉米丘 的頭像


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    Apple 的 iPhone / iPad 產品大部分都由富士康負責生產,不過關於富士康的工作環境就有很多醜聞傳出。而連串的員工跳樓事件更是令人震驚。Apple 早前宣佈改善富士康員工的待遇,現在更讓一個美國傳媒親身進入富士康的 iPad 生產線拍攝。

    在片段中可以見到 iPad 的不少生產程序,當中包括機器和人手的程序。Apple 的產品經常給人一種不可思議的感覺,能夠窺探 iPad 的生產情況實在難得。另外,影片亦提到員工的生活得到改善,展示他們喜歡在富士康工作。

  4. #4
    kyc654 的頭像


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    還有足球場可以讓卡骨咖軟Q, 不錯的環境

  5. #5


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    蛙類 原來富士康的宿舍和大學一模一樣

    真的已經算是大陸就業環境最好的地方了 尤其是不拖工資這點


  6. #6


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    But no matter how many diversions are available to workers, this is still assembly line work. Prior to my Foxconn and Apple-sponsored tour of the Longhua campus, I spent days outside the gates, without the presence of Foxconn management, talking to workers. We talked about the pay, the overtime, the conditions, and life back in their home village. We also talked about the general perception that Americans have of what conditions are like inside the factory. When I gave examples of some of the American media coverage of the working conditions at Foxconn, many workers laughed, telling me it’s not really that bad. Foxconn worker Zhang Dawei grew up in the impoverished countryside of Jiangsu Province. He asked me how Americans could even begin to understand the complexities of growing up poor in China, only to migrate to a factory thousands of miles away. “I’ve got a cousin who lives in the U.S., and from what I understand, the U.S. is a very rich country, at its peak; I can only dream of what it must be like. But China is so poor. I think it’s useless for us to judge each others’ countries without truly understanding the realities on the ground.”

    But that doesn’t mean the workers don’t have complaints. One of the most common complaints I heard: being treated unfairly by immediate supervisors. Some workers complained about being forced to work even though they were sick. Others said their supervisors didn’t let them bill the overtime they had actually worked. From dozens of interviews, favoritism seems common among Foxconn supervisors. And, of course, nobody is a fan of the work. “It’s incredibly boring and repetitive,” an iPad assembly line worker named Xu told me, “but I just sort of lose myself a little while I do the work and think about other things; I think about happy moments in my life. My friends. My family. Anything. If I can do that, then the work doesn’t seem so tiring.”

    Xu sends the equivalent of 3,000 U.S. dollars a year to his family in rural Hubei province. After three years here, he says he’s ready to go home next year. He thinks he’s saved enough to start his own construction business back in his home village; something small, he says, that’ll make him a little more money -- a little more money than what his parents made as farmers.




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