Dialogues of the Buddha {The Dîgha-Nikâya} 1.0

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Dialogues of the Buddha {The Dîgha-Nikâya}
Translated from the Pâli by T. W. Rhys Davids
First Volume

The Digha Nikaya or "the collection of long doctrinary lectures" delivered by the Buddha is first of the five Nikayas or collection belonging to the Suttapitaka or the basket of (Buddha's) discourses which is one of the three major collection of Buddhist texts in Pali, the other two being Vinayapitaka and Abhidbamnapitaka.

This set consists of texts that were translated over a period of years (from 1899 through 1921) by T.W.Rhys Davids, Professor of Pali at the University College of London. He was the founder of the Pali Text Society which has published nearly all of the basic texts and commentaries in the Pali canon.

The Dialogues of the Buddha present an extensive overview the earliest teachings of the Buddha providing the fundamental foundation of Buddhism that is essential to all serious students, practitioners, and followers of all the Buddhist schools--including the Zen and Pure Land schools of the Mahayana.

I.The Brahma-gâla Sutta
II.Sâmañña-phala Sutta
III.Ambattha Sutta
IV.Sonadanda Sutta
V.Kûtadanta Sutta
VI.Mahâli Sutta
VII.Gâliya Sutta
VIII.Kassapa-Sîhanâda Sutta
IX.Potthapâda Sutta
X.Subha Sutta
XI.Kevaddha Sutta
XII.Lohikka Sutta
XIII.Tevigga Sutta
Dialogues of the Buddha {The Dîgha-Nikâya}
