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Siri Tollerød,挪威名模,與本篇文章其實沒有關係。
在前幾天的Technori Pitch會議中,被Apple以2億美金收購的語音技術公司「Siri」的創辦人之一Dag Kittlaus在會議中敘述了關於Siri的一些趣事,例如Siri的命名由來……
So Siri means in Norwegian, "beautiful woman who leads you to victory".
I worked with a lady named Siri in Norway and wanted to name my daughter Siri and the domain was available. And also consumer companies need to focus on the fact that the name is easy to spell, is easy to say…
根據Kittlaus的說法,Steve Jobs當時並不喜歡Siri這個名稱。雖然Kittlaus極力勸說Jobs,讓他相信Siri是個好名字,不過Jobs仍然想找一個更好的名稱代替。不過在一直找不到比「Siri」更好的名字之下,最終還是沿用了Siri這個名字。而類似的故事,其實也發生在iMac與iPod上。
Three weeks after we launched I got a call in the office from someone at Apple that said, "Scott Forstall wants to talk to you and he's the head software guy."
And I said sure…
Only it wasn't Scott that called it was Steve. And Steve never announces where he's gonna be and what he's gonna do because there's too much commotion around it. So he said, "Dag, this is Steve Jobs."
And he wanted me to come over to his house the next day, and I did, and I spent 3 hours with him in front of his fireplace having this surreal conversation about the future.
And, you know, he talked about why Apple was going to win, and we talked about how Siri was doing. And he was very excited about the fact that.. you know, he was very interested in this area in general but, you know, they're patient, they don't jump on anything until they feel they can go after something new and he felt that we cracked it. So that was his attraction.
I ended up very lucky, timing wise. I got to work with him for a year before he got real sick. And he's pretty incredible. The stories are true. All of the stories.
「Scott Forstall是我們的軟體總負責人,他想要跟你談談。」
不過打電話的人並不是Scott,而是Steve。Steve從不會說他想要怎樣或是想怎麼做,因為只要他在,就會引起很大的騷動。所以他只是簡單地說:「Dog,我是Steve Jobs。」
最後我非常地幸運、也在恰好的時機做出了明智的決定。讓我能在Steve Jobs重病之前,與他一起工作一年的時間。他真的是一個不可思議的人。這個故事是真的,所有都是。
via iOnApple/ Steve Jobs wasn't a fan of the Siri name