HELP!! cannot connect via USB, even charge power - iPhone4.TW


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  1. #1

    Upgrade from 1.1.2 (using turbo SIM) to 1.1.3 by ziphone 2.4, everything all right unless cannot connect via USB, now cannot sync, cannot charge, except using the charger, HELP!

  2. #2
    Niner 的頭像


    謝謝你: 21
    在 2篇文章中獲得 10個感謝
    I don't quite understand what your problem is. You now have a jailbroken and activated 1.1.3 iPhone, and it functions well, except USB connection, is this right? What do you mean "cannot connect via USB"? When you plug in USB, connect iPhone to the computer, and open iTunes, does iTunes recognize the iPhone? If not, please restart your computer and make sure you have latest version of iTunes.

    Since you can charge your iPhone via USB cable + charger, I think the USB cable is no problem. The problem may come from your computer.

  3. #3

    Thanks for replying, actually, I can't do anything with my iphone after connect with the USB cable to any computer, either with itunes or not... since tried by my colleague (both windows and mac OS the same), really hopless!

  4. #4
    Niner 的頭像


    謝謝你: 21
    在 2篇文章中獲得 10個感謝
    I will suggest you restore your iPhone and unlock it again.

  5. #5

    without USB connection (cannot connected to any computer), pls advise how to perform restore?

  6. #6
    Niner 的頭像


    謝謝你: 21
    在 2篇文章中獲得 10個感謝
    1. Make sure your USB cable is no problem. Borrow someone else's iPhone USB cable, and connect your iPhone to your computer. If it works, this means your USB cable is damaged. Go buy a new one.

    1a. Maybe you can clean up your computer and reinstall the latest version of iTunes. Then reboot your computer.

    2. If your USB cable is good, and you still can't connect your iPhone with your computer, try to make iPhone enter DFU mode. When in DFU mode, connect iPhone to your computer and open iTunes. If iTunes can find your iPhone, you can proceed RESTORE step. If not, please reply what's condition you see.

    Also, you better correct your iPhone info of your signature, and I would like to know what options you used by ZiPhone. The more info the better we can find the reason. So, please provide your computer (PC or Mac), operation system, iTunes' version, and your iPhone info.

    You can try one way or the other to check which part went wrong: USB or iPhone. Even nothing works after all, you still can return it to Apple store.

    ps. READ 新手發問注意事項 before you post.

  7. #7

    Both your option had been tried, and not sure DFU mode means recovery mode or not, but also no response on every compture (means USB can identify the iphone), my iphone keep at recovery mode only, since my iphone is "water good" from HK, I don't think I can bring it back to apple shop for help!

  8. #8
    Niner 的頭像


    謝謝你: 21
    在 2篇文章中獲得 10個感謝
    DFU is not recovery mode. You can find how to enter DFU mode here (Read Step 1). When you enter DFU successfully, there is no picture or sign on iPhone, which means iPhone screen is blank.

    Please make sure you use correct DFU mode and REALLY update your iTunes to the latest version.

    Reboot your computer and reboot your iPhone (if you know how to do that). Try again.

  9. #9

    I don't think you'll believe my iphone can enter DFU mode, after I saw black screen and release the power button with home button pressed, but nothing comes out from the iphone, even my itunes (itunes 7) didn't comes out with "USB device not recognized" error on my computer only

  10. #10
    Niner 的頭像


    謝謝你: 21
    在 2篇文章中獲得 10個感謝
    Well, now I suspect that probably you messed up when doing ZiPhone unlocking. What options did you use when unlocking your iPhone by ZiPhone?

    Again, I still want to know if your iPhone USB cable is good. I didn't get confirmative answer from your previous posts. Is your iPhone USB cable good (no damage), yes or no?




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