Category: Games
Price: Free (iTunes)


A PLUS MEMORY!! An addictive game played by thousands already in cafeterias and office canteens around the world, keep the photo planktons in your brain happy! Ever imagined, why you forget that last item on the grocery list or the name of an acquaintance you met last week in Sherry’s Party? Build up your brain with this addictive puzzle game that lets your friends say...WOW!!

This puzzle displays a “Photo” with some hidden clues for “20 Secs”. All you have to do is remember the photo in your brain when you answer the next 5 questions. The more questions you answer correctly, the healthier your brain is in remembering stuff. Well the results page displays an average score of past performance both numerically and graphically to help you evaluate improvements.

I have had no one who averaged above 3.0 for the game, but do throw me an email if you get passed this score.

Please send me your comments, in case you have any suggestions.

