A+ 50 STATES, Education Version (Played online over 25,000,000) 1.03.0

Category: Education
Price: $0.99 (iTunes)


If you can master the east coast states, you're a genius. Tell your geography teacher to shove it.

50 STATES played online over 25,000,000. Thousands and thousands people play 50 STATES online everyday and now you can enjoy a better version of it on the iPhone.

➡ Reviews

dance4you, "This is a great game to remind us of our geography lessons!"

chance098, "This is a good game! Very addicting"

ohkyvams, "i feel so stupid u guys got such high scores and i got a 56 avg error miles and i am in high school."

jonasgrl, "A great way for me to practice geography before next year Middle School! YAY!"

➡ Instructions

Drag states where they belong with your finger.

➡ Education Version

In this education version, solution always displayed in Practice mode.

A+ 50 STATES, Education Version (Played online over 25,000,000)
