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[消息] 三星內部消息流出 - iPhone4.TW


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    Apple seizes on Samsung internal document as proof of mimicry!!

    As much as Apple would love for Kwon Oh-hyun to turn up at court and tearfully confess to being a copycat, that's probably not going to happen. Instead, Cupertino's lawyers are burrowing through Samsung's history in search of a legal smoking gun, and one of their latest submissions has been presented as just that. It's a 132-page document written in 2010 by Sammy engineers that directly compares the iPhone against the Galaxy S and makes recommendations about how the latter should be more like the former. The excerpt shown above, which focuses on the aesthetics of icons on the rival handsets, even appears to contain advice about how Samsung should copy Apple without appearing to copy them so much, whereas the full document embedded after the break reveals how all-encompassing the internal guidance was. On the flip-side, Samsung may well argue that any responsible company should compare itself to its competition in this manner, and you can bet there's an army of lawyers beavering away right now to make that sound convincing.

    哇哈 內部文件耶!!

    大意就是 內部文件顯示於兩千一時年時 三星工程師說 S系列要更像 iphone xDD

    完蛋惹 這樣該怎麼辦呢.. 三星..




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