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Night Camera (photography) - iPhone4.TW


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  1. #1
    iPhone派報生 的頭像


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    在 132篇文章中獲得 159個感謝
    Night Camera 1.0

    Category: Photography
    Price: $0.99 (iTunes)


    Night Camera helps you to take sharp photos at night or other low light conditions, by using the built-in accelerometer to trigger the shutter when it detects the camera being stable.

    iPhone camera, like other cell phones, has some problem. While washed-out color and low contrast can be fixed by Photoshop, iPhoto, or our Photo Lab, no software can fix blurs caused by shaky hands. That's especially a problem for night photos.

    Night Camera can not be simpler. It shows you the common camera UI which you have seen 1000 times from the other photo apps, except you don't need to tap the camera button. Be calm, hold still, it takes the photo when the accelerometer thinks you have steady hands. You get to review the photo before saving.

    It is so simple that we cannot even do a screenshot - pressing the home and sleep button together for the screenshot will surely give a blurry result. So, take a look at the sample photos, which we took around the neighborhood.

    Enjoy iPhone camera, even at night.
    Night Camera


  2. #2
    Squirrel 的頭像


    謝謝你: 39
    在 38篇文章中獲得 199個感謝
    我有買了這個 可是 還是不太清楚 他主要的功能 到底是什麼~有點迷糊的感覺><




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