2012 Wisdom of The Elohim - by Marshall Masters 1.0

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Price: $4.99 (iTunes)


2012 Wisdom of The Elohim: The Complete Virtual Serenity 12-Part Teaching Series Transcript

Throughout the annals of human history there, has always been a consistent trend.† The human experience of a sixth sense: our precious ability to search beyond the horizon for sustenance, shelter and safety.† Given to us by the Creator for the greater good, many leave it to waste, like unharvested crops of golden wheat and grain.

A few possess the courage to harvest what they can, and this series of teachings was created especially for them. To help enable them to harvest that which they already know and can feel within the grasp of their own spiritual senses.

To you beloved seekers of light, herein is knowledge to help you to understand the purpose of your own psychic gifts. Use it for the greater good, and your sixth sense will guide you to harvests where all may share in the bounty, in a spirit of love and charity.†

All 12 programs in this teaching series can be freely downloaded via the Internet, in both audio and video formats from virtualserenity.com.

Part 1 Our Prophetic Dreams
Part 2 We are The Elohim
Part 3 Survival Awareness
Part 4 Preparedness and Intuition
Part 5 Knowledge and Meaning
Part 6 Responsibility and Courage
Part 7 Integrity and Self-Love
Part 8 Fear and Love
Part 9 Detachment and Loss
Part 10 Duality and The Sexes
Part 11 The Gift of Choice
Part 12 2012 and Beyond


AUTHOR: Marshall Masters
Host of the Cut to the Chase Radio Show and Publisher of This Series

Marshall Masters is an author, publisher, and the host of the Cut to the Chase Internet Radio Show.† A former CNN science features news producer and the founder of The Sagan Continuation Project. He specializes in Planet X and 2012 research and began publishing his yowusa.com web site in 1999.† His published books include Planet X Forecast and 2012 Survival Guide, Godschild Covenant: Return of Nibiru and The Kolbrin Bible.


CONTRIBUTOR: Rebecca Jernigan
Host of the Journeys with Rebecca Radio Show and Channel for The Elohim

Clairvoyant, author, meditation guide, and syndicated talk radio host, Rebecca is a channel for the guides she calls The Elohim, an energetic consciousness here to empower the human spirit with individual sovereignty.†

Rebecca first discovered her psychic connection with The Elohim when she was 4 years old and has channeled them ever since.† As an adult, she focused on her natural abilities and in 1988, was certified as a Professional Psychic. In 1994 she also became a Reiki Master Teacher in 5 disciplines.
2012 Wisdom of The Elohim - by Marshall Masters
