Now Serving 1.0

Category: Utilities
Price: $0.99 (iTunes)


Ever have those days where everyone wants a piece of you? When your co-workers, your boss, your friends, your wife, your kids, etc. all want your help/opinion/whatever - and they all want it NOW!

Based on the "Now Serving" boards found wherever there's a line-up, Now Serving for iPhone / iPod Touch lets you bring some order to your life and/or business.

Now Serving could also be a great substitute for situations where an unexpected line-up forms and you want to keep some order - Garage Sales, Raffle Ticket Sales, etc.

Now Serving is incredibly easy to use - simply tap on your iPhone/iPod touch screen, and the numbers go up by one. Want to reset back to 00? Simply tap the reset button, and you're all set.
Now Serving
