3banana 2.16

Category: Productivity
Price: Free (iTunes)


Take notes and share. Simply. Faster.

3banana combines fast and simple private note taking with the convenient ability to share with your social networks such as Twitter and Facebook.

3banana stays synchronized over the air with the 3banana.com online service, where you can view and edit your private or shared notes. In addition to photos and notes from the iPhone, online you can also keep track of web pages, documents, and videos, all organized effortlessly with a streamlined tagging system. Notes can be shared to popular social networks as well as private lists, and your invited friends can also participate in private online discussion.

Key features:

* Synchronized. Fast and simple private note taking, your information always will be within reach when you need it.
* Sharable. You can securely share a private note with friends to start a conversation, or get more people to join in by sharing to Facebook and Twitter.
* Secure. Your notes are securely backed up on Amazon Web Services. We will be offering regular backups via email or online in standard formats (OPML).
