最近有朋友玩Storm 8 的遊戲-Racing Live, 被不肖玩家騙走帳號, 如下是他反映給Storm 8的e-mail全文, 附上他mail所說的圖片, 請有玩storm 8的夥伴注意

Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 11:08 AM
To: support*storm8.com
Subject: my storm 8 account been stolen by cheated

Dear sirs,

1.Yesterday a guy said he wanted to buy my Racing live account by US$1000, and after I transferred my account id to him, he did not pay and even block my new ID, so I can’t even communicate with him.

My original storm 8 ID is xxxxxxx, password :xxxxxxx
My original racing live ID- Revenger
My new storm 8 ID is xxxxxxx, password: xxxxxx
My new racing live ID-Air Wolf

2. The attached 2 pictures fyi. This guy use the name of Revenger to contact with other player and ask them to sell their account again, and suddenly change his street name from Revenger to Judex. And he even lie to me that he transferred the money.

3. Pls help to look serious into this case and prenvent this bastard to do this kind of cheating. And also help me to get my storm 8 account back since I’m your faithful player.

Thank you!!

Best regards,