[消息] 由於iPhone 5品管要求過高,鄭州Foxconn生產線員工發起大規模 - iPhone4.TW


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    根據China Labor Watch的報導,在北京時間10月5日下午一點時,Foxconn鄭州工廠的工人發起了罷工活動,參與的員工人數大約為3,000〜4,000人。導致罷工的原因主要是廠方以及Apple對於iPhone 5生產品質的要求過高。除了罷工之外,負責的品管專員與現場工人也發生了多起鬥毆衝突。

    The majority of workers who participated in this strike were workers from the OQC (onsite quality control) line. According to workers, multiple iPhone 5 production lines from various factory buildings were in a state of paralysis for the entire day. It was reported that factory management and Apple, despite design defects, raised strict quality demands on workers, including indentations standards of 0.02mm and demands related to scratches on frames and back covers. With such demands, employees could not even turn out iPhones that met the standard. This led to a tremendous amount of pressure on workers. On top of this, they were not permitted to have a vacation during the holiday. This combination of factors led to the strike.
    參加這場罷工活動的主要是來自OQC(外部品管)流水線的工人。根據這些員工的說法,工廠大樓內的多條iPhone 5生產線處於全天癱瘓的狀態。由於工廠經理以Apple無視於設計上的缺陷,向員工提高對品質要求的標準。這些標準包含0.02mm的缺口標準,以及對外框與背板刮痕等的相關要求。在這些要求下,員工根本無法生產出符合標準的iPhone,也讓工人的壓力變的更加巨大。此外,員工在假期中也不被允許休假。總合上述的原因,導致了這次的罷工。
     via Large-scale Strike of iPhone 5 Production Lines at Foxconn’s Zhengzhou Factory




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