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AmazingLens is a theme photography APP.
● There are several subjects of background to select: spoof, festival, imaginary, magazines and so on.
● Fluent spinning menu lets you change subject easily and quickly
● you can choose front-facing camera if necessary
● provide square line that helps you take pictures.
● It’s mode of flashlight includes three-sectional mode and long terms mode
● Entirely support iphone5
● We will keep improving our APP and update new pictures soon.

● 提供多款情境選擇 - 搞怪,節慶,夢幻,雜誌..等情境
● 流暢旋轉式情境選單 快速切換主題
● 提供前後鏡頭切換與九宮格輔助線
● 三段式閃光燈模式 可長時間持續開啓閃光燈
● 完全支援iPhone5螢幕尺寸
● 將持續改善與更新佈景主題...........