[OS X] 升級10.9.1後Google雲端硬碟更新失敗解法 - iPhone4.TW


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    謝謝你: 14
    在 21篇文章中獲得 102個感謝
    1. 結束Google雲端硬碟
    2. 開終端機貼上以下指令啟動Google雲端硬碟
    "/Applications/Google Drive.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Drive" --overlays_enabled_finder_versions="10.9.1"
    3. 依指示輸入管理者密碼
    4. 結束Google雲端硬碟及終端機
    5. 重開Google雲端硬碟就ok了

    For those of you experiencing this issue on OSX 10.9.1 Mavericks and wish to fix this now, rather than waiting for a fix from us, please do the following.

    1. Quit Google Drive if it is running.
    2. Open Terminal.app
    3. Start Google Drive by typing in the following exactly:

    "/Applications/Google Drive.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Drive" --overlays_enabled_finder_versions="10.9.1"

    4. You will be informed you need to apply updates.
    5. Go the menu and update Google Drive as you would normally. You will get a request to enter your machine password. Enter that and complete the upgrade.
    6. Once the prompt is completed, quit Google Drive, and quite Terminal.app.
    7. Restart Google Drive after 10 or so seconds normally.

    此篇文章於 12-17-2013 14:32 被 butyroger 編輯。




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