GI Meal Planner 2.0

Category: Healthcare & Fitness
Price: $9.99 (iTunes)


This version 2.0 of the Glycemic Index Meal Planner is a complete rewrite of Version 1 the software using Web 2.0.
The software calculates the overall Glycemic Index (GI) and Glycemic Load (GL) for meals and the day to help build a healthy diet for:
• diabetes
• weight loss
• sports performance
It also provides:
• carbohydrate
• calorie
• protein
• fat analysis
for over 900 food items by meal and day.

The Glycemic Index - a measure of carbohydrate quality based on how quickly food raises blood glucose (blood sugar) levels - is a dietary key to health say the authors of "The New Glucose Revolution". Low-GI foods, by virtue of their slow digestion and absorption, produce gradual rises in blood sugar and insulin levels, and have proven benefits for health. 

The Glycemic Index is highly recommended by both Atkins and South Beach diets.

A method of saving favorite full meal information for future re-use allows easy reconstruction of the user's typical meals. Once these favorites are built, it is an easy matter to build a new day, including the ability to modify each favorite for today. 

The software also provides a complete history of previous day’s meals to ease current day planning.

GI Meal Planner
