三國志 (繁體) (全本) 二十四史 之一 sanguozhi ershisishi 1.0

Category: Reference
Price: $2.99 (iTunes)


本着严谨认真的治学态度, LoudReader 出版的历史图书包含原书中的文字与注释, 所有的历史表格. 对于已经消亡的
汉字则用图像来代替, 尽力给读者以100%准确度. 以不同的颜色和字体显示不同类型的内容, 给读者以赏心悦目的阅读享受.


陳壽曾任職於蜀漢政權,蜀漢滅亡之後,被徵入洛陽。他在西晉政權中也擔任了著作郎的職務. 《三國志》記述的歷史從東漢末年的黃巾之亂發生後開始,直到西晉統一三國為止,也就是從漢靈帝中平元年(184年),到晉武帝太康元年(280年)九十多年的歷史

LoudReader on mobile is an iPhone reader application which features:

* Full screen reading mode. LoudReader gives the best utilization of your precious screen.
* Portrait and landscape reading mode. Text automatically reflows.
* Displays rich formatted HTML book (NOT plain text).
* Remembers the last reading location (exact book, chapter and scroll position)
* Easy navigation between chapters with one tap popup control. Quickly goes to any chapters or the next/previous chapter.
* Easy font size change with an intuitive pinch or a +/- button to suit your preference.
* Quick scroll navigation inside the whole book with a scroll bar navigation control
* Supports web browser style backward/forward functions. One tap on the green arrow (-> or