Madame Fortune 1.0

Category: Entertainment
Price: $1.99 (iTunes)


Behind the glass pane
Madame Fortune waits
to answer your questions:
yes, no, or maybe.

The arcade grows still
as you release the button
That first question was just a test
and now there are many

(Are her eyes following you?
Why do you shiver?
Please tilt the case
to activate the accelerometer)

Wait, hold, and listen
and you may hear
a fortune more profound
than the affirmative

Why were you born?
Will you find love?
How many years do you have in this world?
Shall you conquer or fail?

The answers come
with an Elizabethan air
from this dingy descendant of Delphi
as maddending as Sybil

So if you have the strength
you will soon know all
but please take note:
do not touch the crystal ball!

Madame Fortune
