Timension : Design of Time - Blue 1.2

Category: Lifestyle
Price: $1.99 (iTunes)


If the passage of what we call Time has been ruled by the alternation of days and nights that brought light and darkness for mankind, didn´t something got lost on the way?
This is why we proudly introduce TIMENSION, the Design of Time.
Up-grade your iPhone to a new level in terms of visual perception of Time with Timension, a paradigm shift, conceived by the legendary designer Hans Donner.
Clocks - constantly reminding us of our duties and dictating our day-to-day -, have so far been measuring the passage of time but lacking to visually represent it.
“Timension esthetically shows earth´s rotation in relation to the sun, rather than the oppressive and stressing interpretation based on numbers and hands”, as stated by Adrian Goh, editor of Home Concepts magazine from Singapore.
Robert Taylor Hughes, Managing Director & CEO of Beiersdorf Middle East, declared recently that “Timension, the living clock based on the gradients between day and night will create a legacy for everyone to enjoy as we truly move into the next phase of the digital age.”
It´s up to you to decide how you want to perceive the essence of our lives: the awarded vision of Time that astonished the watch industry can become now the coolest app on your device.
Up-grade right now to a new dimension and experiment a time that flows: feel it passing smoothly instead of being pushed by it.
Disable Auto-lock. Turn on the Time on your iPhone/iPod Touch.
TIMENSION. Dimensions beyond clocks.

Timension : Design of Time - Blue
