Book Of Mormon Plants and Animals 1.0

Category: Reference
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And it came to pass that when they had prepared all manner of food, that thereby they might subsist upon the water, and also food for their flocks and herds, and whatsoever beast or animal or fowl that they should carry with them—and it came to pass that when they had done all these things they got aboard of their vessels or barges..

Jaredites: 17 Having all manner of fruit, and of grain, and of silks, and of fine linen, and of gold, and of silver, and of precious things. . . (Ether 9:17)
Lehites: 21 And it came to pass that the people of Nephi did till the land, and raise all manner of grain, and of fruit, . . . (Enos 1: 21)
9 And we began to till the ground, yea, even with all manner of seeds, with seeds of corn, and of wheat, and of barley, and with neas, and with sheum, and with seeds of all manner of fruits; and we did begin to multiply and prosper in the land. (Mosiah 9:9)

Book Of Mormon Plants and Animals
