Constellation Clock A 1.0

Category: Utilities
Price: $0.99 (iTunes)


Based on astronomy and start signs concept, Constellation Clock A designed a delicate texture and gorgeous marble face. Each sun, moon and star symbols represents the hour, minute and second.
The most outer circle set the correct date based on the same day shows the corresponding constellation.

Constellation Clock A是一款以天文主題為藍本所製作出的時鐘,巧妙的將日月星辰、12星座結合在一起,畫面簡潔,一目了然。鐘面的大理石的質感細膩美觀,浮雕設計讓畫面更具美感。以環繞天際的太陽、月亮、星星分別代表時針、分針、秒針,讓時間容易辨識與閱讀。最外圈的星座盤還會依據當天日期正確顯示相對應的星座。天與地的動靜結合,靜止的時鐘搭配動態的天體運行效果讓時鐘更具活力

The Alarm System in these applications only operates whilst it's running.
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Constellation Clock A
